The colour science bit: When a colour is mixed with black it is called shading and mutes the colour lowering its saturation value making it muted. When white is added it brightens and lightens and creates a tint.

Mindfulness is such the buzzword of today with technology putting our lives in a whirl of information, entertainment, and distraction; coupled with our busy careers, and even busier family lives, we are reminded it’s time to stop and smell the roses; to pause and take a little time out, to watch a sunset, eat nutritious food, stretch, breathe and go for a walk, enjoy the outdoors and catch up with friends.
So much has changed in the last thirty years and our hectic lives are taking a toll.
We need to consider our homes as places of safe and restful refuge. Consider the environments where we work and live in; we need to create cocoons, retreats, and safe havens from our mad and busy world.

Colour has such an impact on our wellbeing. Feng Shui, and colour therapy attest to how important it is. Muted colours are easy on the eye and easier on the senses. More muted colours have an enhanced lived in quality – reminiscent of vintage and with a touch of nostalgia; often seen as heritage colours favoured by stately homes and tastefully decorated abodes. Muted colours as a rule are easy to tone with neutral and create less harsh contrasts when paired with darker colours.

It’s time to have some fun, to be playful with some muted serene tones. Add in small amounts through throws, a blind, a tall candle, a lampshade, all effective when added to an already neutral palette or it will add contrast to darker soulful palette for a quick and effective update. Create your own retreat by making a greater commitment paint walls, change rugs, blinds, and curtains. Add accessories related to the fire, wind water and air to calm the space.
So, put your feet up with a cup of calming Hibiscus tea and plan your next steps for turning your home into a sanctuary.

01 – Splash Powder | 02 – Splash Kiwi | 03 – Splash Tango | 04 – Splash Port | 05 – Splash Ruby | 06 – Splash Cult